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What is Art ? For me Art is what you feel and what you experience, Its not about what you try to justify with words or post-rationalist it.  

With this artwork I would like to pay my respect to the traditional owners of Wyndham and remind people of the importance of what has come before.


“How the West was (1)” has a central theme of exploring history. In combination with the visual collage that represents important historical elements there is sound, smell, texture and technology.


The SOUND of Werribee River, Birds and Farm Animals is activated with an Infrared Motion Detector. The SMELL of Mimosa is applied to the TEXTURE of the Wool on the back of the artwork (Mimosa Fragrance = Werribee does smell wonderful, Wool = “Riding on The Sheep’s Back” Australia Wool History in 1950s ). The TECHNOLOGY (Install HP Reveral/Aurasma augmented reality app or scan the QRCode) allows you to hold your phone camera/ipad/tablet over the artwork and explore Wyndham History through animation, pictures and video.


This artwork honours Werribee's long history; the people and the places. I want to make art that can be understood and enjoyed by many people and I want to share my love of history, architecture and the Werribee River.


Title: How The West Was (1)


Date: 2017



Digital print on aluminium composite panel, collage, acrylic paint, infrared motion detection music player, wool, fragrance, augmented reality website.


Size (h) cm X (w) cm:

Artwork panel (90x60) and Easel (150x30x54)


Weight : Artwork Panel 3 kg , Steel Easel 7 kg

HP Reveal/ Aurasma What is it ?

It’s an Augmented Reality technology.


Huh? Well, the technology is available on an app for Android/ iOS and it very simply allows you to set what is know as a ‘Trigger’ which can be an image, a picture ( my artwork How The West Was (1) or a physical object . When you point your phone or iPad at that trigger, then magic happens – an ‘aura’ appears on your screen. A direct reaction to your phone or iPad seeing that trigger.


The overlays can be videos, 3D animations, URL’s etc. It’s a way to let the physical world around you interact with the digital world and link the two together. Now quite there with it yet? Check out this youtube video  which rather than talk a lot, simply shows you the sort of things you can achieve very easily.






Open this link to my aurasma account LINK and FOLLOW my channel . See pictures and video below for further information how to.


After you install HP Reveal/Aurasma on your phone . Read step by step below . 


  • Tap the magnifying glass icon to search for an HP Reveal/ Aurasma account.

  • Type the channel name ( xmauboy ) into the search bar and tap search.

  • When the results load look for the account ( xmauboy )

  • Tap the follow button on the right hand side of the screen.

  • Navigate back to the scanning screen by tapping the square at the bottom of the screen.

  • Scan the provided trigger images (my artwork How The West Was (1) One/Won ) to view the artwork's pre-made auras.

  • Tap on each video to zoom in and tap again to find out more surprises (it will connect to the Wyndham history sites that I have created)

  • Try it. You’ll love it and you can even take your own  picture with the "disco sheep"          by standing next to my artwork.  HAVE FUN !!!


2.see video how to below



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A year ago my husband and I moved from East Brunswick to Werribee because our best friends lived in Werribee. My husband and I fell in love with the Werribee River and its surroundings so we bought a house nearby the river. After a long spouse visa process I officially migrated to Australia from Indonesia and for almost 6 months I studied at AMEP (Adult Migrant English Program) SLPET (Settlement Language Pathways to Employment and Training) at Victoria University as part of the Australia Government support for new immigrants. I loved studying there with many passionate teachers and other friends from different backgrounds, cultures and languages. When the course was closed at VUT, I decided it was time to contribute to the community through Art. I wanted to share the Wyndham history with my friends and other new immigrants because we didn't learn about local history. I want AMEP students and new immigrants in Wyndham to know more about the history and be a part of the community. Life skills and learning continue outside the classroom. Knowing more means understanding and loving more; that is the essence of the community feeling.

I love history, buildings and the Werribee River. So, when I made the art installation concept, it all started from the site itself that "talked" to me. Everything developed from there. I want to share the concept that learning about history is fun through this art installation. I want everyone in Wyndham to be proud and aware of the long history and never forget it.



Most of the pictures that I use for this artworks and sites : from my own postcards collections that I bought from  Ebay, my own antique/rare book collections from  and State Library Victoria, Trove, NLA and  the Copyright status is out of copyright. NLA (National Library of Australia) and The State Library of Victoria (SLV) is providing access to this pictures to support creativity, innovation and knowledge exchange.

Text from various source :

-"Western Horizon of Victoria Australia" by Australian Publicity Council

-"The Wealth of Werribee, 100 years : Shire centenary celebrations, 2nd-11th March, 1963 : souvenir programme"

-"Snippets of Wyndham" by Werribee District Historical Society Inc

-"Werribee The First One Hundred Years" by K.N James and Lance Pritchard

-"Wyndham Our Story" by Geoff Hocking

-Werribee District Historical Society

-Wyndham Our Story Website

-"From There to Here Excerpts from the First Person Accounts of Family Migration Werribee 1840s-2000s" by Margaret Campbell

-Facebook Page 'Lost Werribee' - by Aimee Page

-Flickr Group 'Werribee The Area, It's People and Heritage' - by Bill Strong - williewonker -

-"The Plains of Iramoo" by Esther Murray

-Aborigines in The Werribee District Werribee Historical Society by Ken James

-"Wool Past The Winning Post A History of The Chirnside Family" by Heather B.Roland

-"A Study in Black and White The Aborigines in Australia History" by Malcolm D.Prentis

-Chaffeys Kingdom The Sunraysia Story

-"The Squatters" by Geoffrey Dutton

-"Convincing Ground Learning To Fall In Love With Your Country" by Bruce Pascoe

-"The Vanished Land Dissapearing Dynasties of Victoria's Western District" by Richard Zachariah

-"Men of Yesterday A Social History of The Western District of Victoria 1834 - 1890" by Margaret Kiddle

-"Who Killed The Koories The True, Terrible Story of Australia's Founding Years" by Michael Cannon

-"Land Boomers" by Michael Cannon

-"Australia in the Victorian Age" by Michael Cannon

-"This Whispering in Our Hearts" by Henry Reynolds

-National Library of Australia web site

-"The life and adventures of William Buckley thirty-two years a wanderer amongst the aborigines of then unexplored country round Port Phillip, now the province of Victoria"

-"Scars in the Landscape" by Ian D.Clark

-"City of Wyndham Review of Heritage Sites Of Local Interest" by Peter Andrew Barret. Victorian Government Library Service

-"Sites of Significance for Nature Conservation in the Werribee Corridor" by T.J Barlow. Victorian Government Library Service

-"Victorian Picturesque The Colonial Garden of William Sangster" by J.H. Foster

-"Point Cooke A History Prepared for the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works" by Jessie Serle

-"Now and Then The Sicilian Farming Community at Werribee Park 1929-49" by Maria Mantello

-"The Galloping Guns of Rupertswood and Werribee Park" by Lindsay C.Cox

-"Altona A Long View" by Susan Priestley

-"The Life of Our Years In and Around Geelong A Chronological History" by C.P. Billot

-"Hamilton A Western Disctrict History" by Don Garden






Thank you to my husband Roger who always supports me to do the best things, pull me up when I'm down and encourage me to explore more about Art.


Thank you to all the authors that I mentioned above for their great work writing about Werribee history; especially to K.N James, Heather B Ronald, Lance Pritchard, Margaret Campbell, Michael Cannon, Geoff Hocking, Bruce Pascoe and Ian D.Clark.


Thank you to my neighbours, Jack and Doreen, who provided me with a delicious fruit cake to eat when I needed fuel to make this artwork. Thank you to Lino for the Carter history books.


Thank you to Gordon and Susan from the Werribee Historical Society that gave me information on where to find books about Werribee history. Thank you to Aimee Page because of your facebook page Lost Werribee I learnt alot about Werribee History and how Werribee people love their history and community. Thank you to Bill Strong because of your Flickr page I learnt more about Werribee. Thank you to the State Library Victoria and Royal Historical Society Victoria and National Library of Australia that helped me to find old Werribee maps, heritage books and pictures. Thank you to University of Melbourne School of Design library staff Sarah and Somchit that helped me track down the history of Alexander Hamilton of Colac, The Manor P.Chirnside architect and Wiliam Sangster, The Manor P. Chirnside landscape designer . Thank you to Werribee Library and Plaza Library staff, especially Karen, that helped me trace Werribee family history. Thank you to the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning Laverton that helped me locate the Werribee aerial map.


Thank you to all teachers and administration staff at Victoria University ( Ann,Dominic, Yvonne, Gayle, Jane, Kate, Kathy, Alice and Noreen). As a new comer in Australia a year ago I was so happy studying at Victoria University and I learnt many things about Australia law, custom and culture.


Thank you to the genius inventor of HP REVEAL/AURASMA and QR CODE

Help Werribee continue to grow and evolve, along with the challenges we face in the recognition and conservation of our heritage places with this : The National Trust Advocacy Toolkit is a free online resource created by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) to support individuals and communities to advocate for the protection of places of cultural heritage significance. National Trust have worked with heritage experts, planners, lawyers, and communities across Victoria to develop advocacy guides covering key areas of heritage planning.

And dont forget to visit Werribee Historical Museum (Corner of Watton Street and Duncans Road, Werribee) lots things to learn and explore there. 

The Museum is open on the following days:

  • Every Saturday 10:00am to 1:00pm

  • Every Tuesday 10:00am to 3:00pm

The collection of documents, maps and photos can be access by attending the museum on the above times or alternatively, an appointment can be made. For further details contact  9749 2713

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