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Mixed Media
50cm (W) x 40cm (H) x 2cm (D)


Collage, Breast Milk Acrylic Paint mixture, Coconut Dusk, Fabric, Reversible Sequins


This artwork is currently unframed and requires framing.




The Orange Life Jackets is a symbols for Refugees that come from the Sea waiting for the rescue. Sea-borne migrants and refugees are not a new phenomenon. Throughout the ages, people around the world have risked their lives aboard un-seaworthy ships and other craft, whether in search of work, better living conditions and educational opportunities, or international protection against persecution or other threats to their life, liberty or security, often placing their fate in the hands of unscrupulous, criminal smugglers. The term “boat people” has entered common parlance, designating all those who travel by sea in such a perilous way. Humanitarian intake is to provide refuge and support to people who have been forced to flee their home country in order to escape war, persecution, or a natural disaster.


In a flashback, 17-year-old refugee remembers the sound of mothers crying mixing with smugglers making aggressive and loud demands. 

"I could taste my own tears, as salty as the sea water that later slapped us all in the face during the crossing," he said. 

"It was a very cold night, and I was so paralysed [with fear] I couldn't speak with the other boys on the boat with me," he said. "By early morning, the water began pouring on board, and I was sure I was going to die at sea." He remembers fainting, then a hand out of the blue helping him board another ship. "At arrival ports, I've met many traumatised migrants who, despite the horrible shipwreck experience, still strongly associated the idea of sea with a sense of humanity, brotherhood and altruism”.In the sea, there are also people saving people, so it's possible to help survivors identify the sea water with feelings of hope and resilience, later in the healing process.“ "Here the sea is man's best friend," he said.


Unmute the sound you will be able listening to  the sound of Seagulls, Boat, Sea and Storm etc


Touch the Reversible Sequins REVEAL the hidden words.

? Humanity ! Rescue

The artwork contains

The SOUND of Seagulls, Boat, Sea and Storm is activated with  The TECHNOLOGY (Install ARTIVIVE augmented reality app its FREE) allows you to hold your phone camera/ipad/tablet over the artwork and explore the artwork through animation, pictures and video.









ARTIVIVE What is it ?

It’s an Augmented Reality technology. 

Huh? Well, the technology is available on an app for Android/ iOS and it very simply allows you to set what is know as a ‘Trigger’ which can be an image, a picture (my artwork THE ORANGE LIFE JACKETS or a physical object) . When you point your phone or iPad at that trigger, then magic happens – an ‘Augmented Reality’ appears on your screen. A direct reaction to your phone or iPad seeing that trigger.


The overlays can be videos, 3D animations, URL’s etc. It’s a way to let the physical world around you interact with the digital world and link the two together. Now quite there with it yet? Check out this video  which rather than talk a lot, simply shows you the sort of things you can achieve very easily.








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